The rescue mare's new "shoes" and an update

Today, the boots that were so graciously donated by Judi for our rescue mare's use arrived!

I was thrilled and so overwhelmed that someone would care that much.

I could not have afforded to provide these, and our vet assured me they were very much needed.

Although she is till quite thin, she has gained a lot internally. She is a great deal thicker.

She is still trying to figure out how to walk in the new boots, but you can tell that steps

do not cause her near the pain that they had prior to getting them!

Now, I don't have photos tonight, but I will get some ASAP:

Due to the tremendous neglect of her feet, we expected founder, and a small corium prolapse began on the front left hoof.

This photo below is NOT her, but her's looks almost just like this; her's is smaller and is in the front. It simply must heal up, and it takes a long time:
The above is a link I found that shows the healing process of a prolapse.
