The Woes of a homestead - for Better or for Worse

Yes, it has been too long since the last post.

Along with being a homesteader and horse rescuer, I am a college student, mom to 3 wild boys, a photographer and recently, as I mentioned, took a job as a supervising newborn photographer at the local hospital.

So here are recent updates to the homestead:

Our crew of donkeys, horses, goats, and the cow are going through around 400 lbs of hay a day. Everything is quite plump, so we have cut all grain/feed out of the horses diets except for the rescue foal.

So there you have the financial woes of the winter homesteader, and now you understand the need for my new job, which might just cover monthly feeding, if the Lord shines upon me.

Another woe, one that applies only to me as a vegetarian homesteader is that of our very mean Barred Rock rooster. Now this guy was supposed to be a pullet when he was purchased. As time went on, we realized the error. As more time passed, the error became very mean, as roosters are want to do.

He had to be moved from the coop to a smaller pen to avoid him attacking us each time we went in to get eggs. It is inevitable that the mean fellow will have to go on to that big coop in the sky, but I am having a hard time with it.

A homestead with meat eaters, as the boys and the farming man are, that do not produce their own meats are not doing a very good job. I understand this. I am trying to come to terms with it. It is not easy.

Some nice friends of ours who raise Heritage Turkeys, the Pauley's, could help farming man render this mean rooster into a meal, but so far. . .

Seems silly, I am sure, to all of those out there who are carnivores, but wow, it is not easy for me. I do not even like this rooster, but I cannot help but feel he has a right to my protection, I guess.

The rooster chronicles will be continued. . . soon.


  1. I found a link for you about your rooster (if he's still around) that might help with him or any in the future.

    I've seen a vast improvement in my own since I started following the advice there :o)


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