The Crazy Chicken Gal

The house smells like a Poultry farm. I admit, this is gross, but it failed to stop me from setting 65 more eggs in the past 3 days!
They have grown a lot in the week since this photo was taken and 
been moved into a large tub. 

I am always happy to get started chicks out of the house, but those from the last hatch will not be able to be moved out for a few weeks and more will be following in their tracks. . . such is the life of spring on the farm.

I placed a craiglist ad for the Blue Laced Red Wyandottes we had a friend hatch out in October of 2010.
I have had a great time getting inquires on them. No buyers yet, but I've talked to so many nice older folks who are fairly chicken crazed, that is it quite alright!

It is funny how addictive chickens are, and you either get it or you do not.

The farmer husband can't lie - he is almost as bad as I

They come in such a variety of sizes, colors, breeders and as luck would have it, are easy to keep in large quantities!

Our new Blue Laced Red Splash  Hen

Our new Blue Laced Red Splash and Black Hens

Our new Blue Laced Red Splash Roo

 I am behind in taking photos on the goings on here, but we put 40 eggs in the cheap Little Giant incubator, and those were mostly mixed breeds. I'll candle in a few days to see how many are viable.

I placed 25 in the Brinsea Octo 20, which I have been thrilled with. They are the BLRW eggs from the Foley birds and the Copper Marans, Delawares, Barnevelders and Welsummer eggs I'd gotten from a local breeder. I must get a photo of these Copper Maran eggs - they are as dark as a Hershey Bar, folks! The Wels eggs are also beautiful butterscotch and chocolate speckled!

I highly recommend paying the extra money and buying a Brinsea if you're looking at incubators. I've only had a few days of dealing with the Little Giant and already it has driven me up the wall and back down! The temps fluctuate so much! Also, when you need to open them, you loose your temp quickly and it takes a long time to gain it back. I HOPE for a decent hatch in it, but I wouldn't risk expensive eggs in it at all.

And to think, it all start with only a handful of chicks from the local fleamarket:
