A Garden: Summer's Bounty

We are truly not green thumbs here.

We tried to start plants indoors this year.

We failed.

Not only did we fail, but we waited too long to even
buy started plants, and so when we finally did do so,
our peas shriveled and died right away from the heat.
Our peppers are all paying the price for a late planting,
as well.

However, some plants grow in spite of our silliness!

Anyone can grow cucumbers, summer squash and

Thankfully, those are some of our favorite veggies!

So far, the tomatoes, corn, squash, zucchini, cucumbers,
string beans, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower  and collards
are all doing well.

We've harvested tons of yellow squash, a few zucchini,
a few beans and lots of cucumbers, though we did not pick
the first few in time, and they became overlarge.

We happily go out and pick the newly ripe veggies
each morning or evening, and tonight was the first time
we did so and were able to use the vegetables in
our fare!

In addition, the biscuits include our fresh, free range

The cucumbers will be made into bread - n - butter pickles,
as well as dill pickles tonight!

I do have lots of blog plans in the next few days,
weeks and months! I have been so busy,
writing blogs has been a HARD THING to fit in,
but I plan to play catch up!
