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What I've learned about cows
What I've learned about cows and choosing one for a homestead in the past 4 years.
Most people do not need a cow on the farm. It is a huge commitment and one most people aren't really wanting to take part in, as romantic as it seems.
If you get a cow, getting an old pro already broke to hand milk and halter broke is ideal.
Getting a dual purpose and lower production cow or a cow that can be grass only or nearly is best for most families - good milking lines of Dexters, Mini Jerseys, Jersey /Dexter crosses and even Jersey crossed with beef breeds will be the best starter homestead cows. . .
Consider an outlet for the bull calves - if you're hoping to sell breeding bulls, you need to go with Dexters or foundation pure mini Jerseys. If you're looking for family meat production, a Dexter or full Size Jersey bred to a Angus or Dexter is ideal.
Think long and hard on the breed choice for your land, your milk needs, whether you want butter (Holsteins and Dexters and goats will not provide much of this), read up on A2/A2 milk verses A1/A2, consider how much grain the breed you chose will eat and the impact cattle make on land, especially hilly or mountainous areas. . .
And then look at my lovely cow and calf and do what I did and throw all you already knew out the window. . .lol!!!!

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