Dairy Goat Bucks
They are not for everyone, but remember, if you cannot handle the bucks, you might consider passing on dairy does. It takes two to tango, and AI will rarely settle all your does consistently the way the "real deal" guy can, and hauling around to others' bucks is bio-security risk and a pain in the rear.
The Buck is the foundation of your herd.
He should be the animal you invest the most in. He IS an investment, not an after-thought. You should never skimp on his purchase. Make sure his dam is your dream doe, make sure his genetics are superior, or at the very least equal, to your does. His impact on a herd is far more important, usually, than a single doe's impact will be, as he will cover many more and need a lot of strengths to improve weaknesses in various does.
Remember, he is who makes the daughters you will retain in your herd.
He will be very hard to keep in, hard to keep in condition when in rut and give you a heck of a time when you trim his feet or clip him, usually.
You cannot forget him when BO-SE and Copper time comes. He will need high quality hay, and he will always need grain in rut.
Never keep him all alone. He needs either another buck as a companion or a wether for a buddy. I always think two bucks is the better choice, as you have an option to breed the first buck's daughter to later on.
Bucks handled correctly, even when massive, are rarely aggressive, but when in rut, you do need to be aware they may mistake you for a pretty lass, and well, you know. . .just be aware of that

They do not deserve to receive second rate care, to be bought to breed a few does once and passed on to an auction or the like.
Buying an amazing buck or two and keeping for the long term is ideal in so many ways. You develop a line that becomes yours, one you have long enough to see consistency, one you learn the strengths and weaknesses in. You also reduce you risk of bringing disease into the herd or unknown genetics issues by sticking with a few chosen bucks, using AI as needed for some diversity over time.
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