
Both in spite of and because of me

At 5 years old, he gets it. . .

And wait! The most important elements remain to be spoken

Ellie and I during better times, times that I do at least know are ahead. . .

"Female Farmers in West Virginia Triple National Average" from WDTV

When I moved to my small farm in 2009, I had a rude awakening. . .

I just do not have words for this today. I just do not. I'm so very heartbroken. So very.

"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." Frederick Douglass

It rests on you, Clemmy.

I rarely drive down Route 10

They have learned what it is to try to help what is helpless. . .

A cow for many years to come

I've heard cows act like their owners

If I Never Farm Another Day: What 'Sometimes' Farming has Given Me. . .

The centuries old way to keep your livestock safe: LGDs

Say What? "He has done his job, and it is time for him to go."