Life is so long, complicated and hard.
I am thankful I can still, in living in a way that is both slow and fast, sad and harsh, find a way to stop some evenings and just hang out with my cows.
My goats.
My chickens.
My darling boys. . .including that grown one who farms here with me.
When it is all said and done, very little else will matter, anyway, beyond these moments here with what I've decided was so important, they had to be part of my daily life, part of my home.
Time is fast.
Before we know it, we are bidding goodbye to this life for whatever is next, and I am so glad mine has thus far been filled with passions, loves, losses and sadness so deep, I believe even now, I've felt everything life had to offer me.
That at 34, I've lost, given and loved enough to say. . .I've lived. I know enough to be everyone will not have those chances and feel that fully.
I've not only lived, but I've lived in an epic way in these 3 short decades (and a half of the next one)
A life full of babies, cows, goats, food, Jesus, an amazing and philanthropy. . .
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